Improve Marketing ROI

If you use paid search and other advertising to drive traffic to your school’s website and/or landing pages, this 2-minute read can help you get more bang for your marketing buck.

There are few things you can count on more consistently in EDU marketing than:

  1. Admissions Reps want more leads
  2. The cost of paid search & other advertising going up

Even the savviest marketers have seen their paid search ad costs rise year-over-year. Combine that with the other expenses in your marketing mix and schools everywhere feel the pinch. 

Protect Your Marketing Investment with High Converting Lead Funnels

The high converting Lead Funnels from Enrollment Resources offer an easy-to-implement solution to increase leads on your existing website and landing pages. These expertly designed Lead Funnels are an easy-to-implement way to convert more digital visitors into valuable leads

When placed on your website and/or landing pages, these Lead Funnels encourage more prospects to engage with your school. The Enrollment Resources Lead Funnels are an efficient, cost-effective way to get more out of your online traffic

  • Generate an average 32% more leads off your website
  • Capture leads that would otherwise bounce
  • 15x more booked tours*

If you’re like most schools, you spend significant time and money to drive traffic to your website and other online pages. Lead Funnels help you turn more of that traffic into qualified prospective students. 

Think of these Lead Funnels like performance enhancement for your marketing. With the simple addition of these tools you can bump up your lead volume and maximize the return on your marketing spend.

“Using the Virtual Adviser tool we have been able to grow our lead volume while also reducing our reliance and spend on paid search advertising – simply because it improves conversion on our website traffic. In this respect, the tool more than pays for itself.”


Richard Hope
Marketing Director, Carson Dunlop

What are the barriers to growth in your school?

Take our free assessment to see if Enrollment Resources has a solution that can help your school increase enrollment.  You’ll also receive personalized tips and resources to tackle your school’s unique challenges.

It only takes 3 minutes.

The Lead Funnel Suite

Multi-Step Form – Take your contact form to the next level. This form not only captures motivated prospects, it has been shown to increase tour requests up to 40%

Career Training Readiness Pathway This engaging, quiz-style Lead Funnel empowers prospects and provides a welcome opportunity for self-directed investigation of your school and of a prospect’s own motivations. The pathway thoughtfully uses principles of behavioral psychology to support prospects and help qualified individuals to see themselves as ready to move forward with career training. 

This Lead Funnel not only captures leads farther up in the sales funnel, i.e. prospects who might not have felt motivated enough to complete a regular contact form, but prospects that complete this Lead Funnel enroll at a higher rate than other leads

In a recent case study (cited above), a sample career school who completed the Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel were 132% more likely to enroll.**

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Toolbar – A collection of our best converting tools, all in one place. The CRO Toolbar includes four distinct calls-to-action, each designed to appeal to a prospect at a different point in their decision cycle. This tool remains present at the bottom of each webpage as a visitor scrolls on both desktop and mobile. 

Book a Tour & Apply Now Forms – Tested high-quality forms integrated with your existing system.

Try Lead Funnels Risk-Free for 90 Days

Get an immediate boost in organic leads or DON’T PAY. The team of EDU marketing and development specialists at Enrollment Resources will implement the Virtual Adviser Lead Funnels on your school’s website and if you feel you’ve received anything less than substantial value, get a full refund within the first 90 days, no questions asked. 

You will keep all leads generated during the 90 days, no matter what.

Risk-Free Conversion Kickstart

Get an immediate boost in high-quality organic leads that enroll.

Try it Risk-Free for 90 days.

*Average of tour requests through standard “book a tour” forms vs Enrollment Resources’ Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel. Sample size of 31,414 prospective students who booked tours from 10 schools over 22 months (Jan 2021-Oct 2022). 

**Sample size of 2,268 prospects to a multi-campus, multi-program private career college over 22 months

Increase leads and enrollments without increasing your budget

Discover how our conversion optimization tools can quickly and cost-effectively increase lead generation and boost enrollment.

Your prospects are already exploring your school online. Get more of them excited to inquire and book a tour today.

Try it Risk-Free for 90 days.  We guarantee results!