In higher education digital marketing, when we drive for more traffic, more clicks, more leads, it’s important to remember there are real people behind those marketing metrics. Every lead is a prospective student, an individual with goals and challenges and hopes for a desired future they hope to achieve through education.
Improve Prospect Connection – Increase Student Enrollment
Lead Funnels, developed by Enrollment Resources specifically to meet the lead generation, marketing and admissions needs of schools, not only help to increase leads but also to qualify prospective students and to create meaningful relationships with motivated individuals. When a prospect feels connected to a school and to the staff, they feel more comfortable and confident to move forward with enrollment.
The Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel has been shown to Increase Likelihood to Enroll by up to 132%*
How Lead Funnels Help Foster Strong Connection
The Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel invites prospects into a thoughtful, self-directed discovery process that helps them to learn more about themselves and your school. Founded on principles of behavioral psychology, this process provides an appealing, low-pressure way for prospects to explore their motivations, fosters a connection and starts important relationship building. All this takes place before an Admissions Rep ever contacts the prospect.
What are the barriers to growth in your school?
Take our free assessment to see if Enrollment Resources has a solution that can help your school increase enrollment. You’ll also receive personalized tips and resources to tackle your school’s unique challenges.
It only takes 3 minutes.
Build Better Connections in Less Time
Not only does the Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel allow you to gather all the pertinent information of a standard contact form – name, email, phone number – you get additional information, provided directly by the prospect, about their specific situation, including:
- Employment status
- Goals
- Biggest challenge
- Parental status
- Scheduling needs
- What type of support system they have
- Social style – tailor your approach to fit each prospects’ preferred communication style
When you receive a lead notification from the Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel, you have a window into who that prospective student is, what’s important to them and where they want to be. By going through the Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel, the prospect enters into a relationship with your school.
In less than one minute, an Admissions Rep can review the detailed Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel lead notification and be prepared to start a meaningful conversation with the prospect. This allows Admissions Reps to make stronger connections with prospects in less time.
You Can’t Connect with Prospects You Can’t Contact
It’s a common frustration: a lead arrives, Admissions reaches out immediately by phone and the call goes to voicemail. The Rep then reaches out by email and text, no response. Phones again. Repeat.
Prospects that complete the Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel have been shown to be 15 times more likely to request a school tour/information session.*
75% of all prospects who engage with the Career Training Readiness Lead Pathway request a school tour before they ever speak with Admissions**
Try Lead Funnels Risk-Free for 90 Days
Get an immediate boost in organic leads or DON’T PAY. The team of EDU marketing and development specialists at Enrollment Resources will implement the Virtual Adviser Lead Funnels on your school’s website and if you feel you’ve received anything less than substantial value, get a full refund within the first 90 days, no questions asked.
You will keep all leads generated during the 90 days, no matter what.
Are High Converting Lead Funnels Right For Your School? Find Out!
Get a personalized demo and see for yourself how the simple addition of these proven tools can turn your existing website into a high-performance source for qualified enrollments.
Risk-Free Conversion Kickstart
Get an immediate boost in high-quality organic leads that enroll.
Try it Risk-Free for 90 days.
*Sample size of 2,268 prospects to a multi-campus, multi-program private career college over 22 months
**Average of tour requests through standard “book a tour” forms vs Enrollment Resources’ Career Training Readiness Lead Funnel. Sample size of 31,414 prospective students who booked tours from 10 schools over 22 months (Jan 2021-Oct 2022).