Right now you could be generating 2-3x the organic leads you are currently getting from your website.
The typical career school converts about 3% of the unique visitors that come to their website into a legitimate inquiry. Our clients averaged 8.46% in Feb 2021. The gap between those figures is explained by a few things:
- Superior copywriting
- Abundant inquiry forms
- Focusing the website on what a prospective student cares about
- A conversion-oriented website template that we developed, and
- The Virtual Adviser “Career Training Readiness Quiz” we use with all our clients. (The quiz alone converts on average 2.22% of visitors).
So for a school generating 5,000 unique visitors per month, that would be:
- 5000 visitors/month @ 3% conversion = 150 leads
- 5000 visitors/month @ 8.46% conversion = 423 leads
Assuming a 7% lead-enrollment rate & a $15,000 tuition, what would translate to:
- 11 enrollments x $15,000 tuition = $165,000
- 36 enrollments x $15,000 tuition = $540,000
That’s a $375,000 monthly increase or Annualized Revenue Gain of $4,500,000
I think any school would happily take a $4.5 Million revenue gain.
Now 8% is the average so roughly half our school clients are below that, half above. Programs offered, competition, your brand, the market you operate in, are all factors that influence conversion rate. But what all our clients share is that their leads went up after hiring us.
Grow your business with a website built to convert.
Our websites are specifically designed to generate inquiries and delight visitors. They come preloaded with lead funnels and conversion elements that reflect over 20 years of iterative testing and innovation. Learn how incremental changes can make a big difference on enrollment.